Imagine writing a message you don’t want anyone else to figure what it says. You might scramble in a way only you can understand.
JavaScript obfuscation works similarly—it scrambles code to make it difficult to read but still allows it to work the same way.
When JavaScript is obfuscated, it becomes harder for others to:
Steal the code (e.g., if it’s shared online).
Access sensitive information (such as hidden passwords or unique algorithms / logics).
Modify or hack the code, since it’s challenging to interpret.
For example, here’s a simple function:
function greet() {
console.log("Hello, world!");
After obfuscation, it might look something like this:
var _0x3978e8=_0x11a8,_0xc89537=_0x91fa09();
var _0x413f85=parseInt(_0x3978e8(0x12f))/0x1*(-parseInt(_0x3978e8(0x12d))/0x2)
else _0xc89537['push'](_0xc89537['shift']());
function greet(){
var _0x110708=_0x11a8;
function _0x11a8(_0x70a44d,_0x23b2c3){
var _0x5e12c1=_0x5e12();
return _0x11a8=function(_0x11a8ca,_0x530c9e){
var _0xe405db=_0x5e12c1[_0x11a8ca];
return _0xe405db;
function _0x5e12(){
var _0x66d464=[
_0x5e12=function(){return _0x66d464;};
return _0x5e12();
The obfuscated version is much harder to read but still does the same thing, you are welcome to try and run it yourself!
2. Understanding the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
To build our obfuscation tool, we need to understand what is Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Think of the AST as a detailed blueprint, organizing code into a hierarchy where each part has a specific role. This structure allows us to efficiently locate and modify code elements for obfuscation.
How Code Transforms into an AST
Think of the AST as a map that breaks your code into labeled parts, each with its own job. Imagine your code as a sentence, and the AST as a way of diagramming each word based on its role. Just like nouns, verbs, and adjectives have unique roles in a sentence, each part of the AST represents a specific action or purpose in your code.
In reality, the AST for the same code in the image will look like this:
This tree-like structure lets us work with specific parts of the code. With an AST, we can find and change specific parts to obfuscate.
If you want to learn more about how AST Parsing works in JavaScript I highly recommend to read this article, it’s just great 🎉
Practical Approach
Libraries for AST Manipulation
To work with the AST in JavaScript, we’ll use three libraries:
Esprima: Turns JavaScript code into an AST.
Estraverse: Allows us to navigate (or “traverse”) the AST and make changes.
Escodegen: Converts the modified AST back into JavaScript code.
To install these libraries, run:
npm install esprima estraverse escodegen
3. Step-by-Step Techniques for Obfuscation
Technique 1: Encoding Strings in a Base64 Array
Strings like "password" or "username" provide easy clues about code functionality. Encoding strings as Base64 in an array makes them unreadable, adding a layer of complexity.
How It Works
Find all strings in the code, such as "Hello, world!".
Convert each string to Base64 and store it in an array.
Replace each string with a function call that retrieves and decodes it.
This makes the code a bit trickier to decipher at first glance, adding an extra layer against those who review it.
Example Code
Here’s how we encode strings in Base64 and store them in an array:
// Utility to encode strings in Base64
function base64Encode(str) {
return Buffer.from(str).toString('base64');
function encodeStringsInArray(ast) {
const strings = []; // Array to store encoded strings
const stringIndices = {}; // Track each string's index
const decoderFuncName = '_0x' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 8); // Random function name
// Traverse the AST using estraverse to locate and rename identifiers
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter(node) {
// Look for string literals
if (node.type === 'Literal' && typeof node.value === 'string') {
if (!(node.value in stringIndices)) {
stringIndices[node.value] = strings.length;
strings.push(base64Encode(node.value)); // Encode in Base64 before storing
// Replace the original string with a function call that retrieves and decodes it
node.type = 'CallExpression';
node.callee = { type: 'Identifier', name: decoderFuncName };
node.arguments = [{ type: 'Literal', value: stringIndices[node.value] }];
// Define the decoder function that retrieves and decodes Base64 strings
const decodeFunc = `
function ${decoderFuncName}(_0xindex) {
const _0xstrings = ${JSON.stringify(strings)};
return atob(_0xstrings[_0xindex]);
const decodeFuncAst = esprima.parseScript(decodeFunc);
_0xstrings holds Base64-encoded versions of each string in the original code.
Each string in _0xstrings is accessed using atob() to decode it back to a readable string.
console.log(_0xte7yht(0)) decodes and prints "Hello, world!", while console.log(_0xte7yht(1)) decodes and prints "Goodbye, world!".
This makes the original strings much harder to read and understand.
Technique 2: Renaming Identifiers
When reading a code and it’s identifiers we can gain a basic understanding of what it does. Identifiers are names for functions, variables, and parameters (like username, password, and login). By renaming identifiers, we make it hard for people to understand what each part does.
How It Works
Find all names in the code (likefunction authenticate(user)).
Replace each name with a random, unreadable name.
Example Code
Here’s how we rename identifiers:
// Generates a random obfuscated name in the form '_0x' followed by a random 6-character string
function getObfuscatedName() {
return '_0x' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 8);
function renameIdentifiers(ast) {
const nameMap = {}; // Stores original names with their obfuscated versions
// Traverse the AST to locate and rename identifiers
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter(node) {
// Rename declared function and variable names to obfuscated versions
if ((node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' || node.type === 'VariableDeclarator') && {
if (!nameMap[]) {
nameMap[] = getObfuscatedName();
} = nameMap[];
// Update all references to previously renamed identifiers
} else if (node.type === 'Identifier' && nameMap[]) { = nameMap[];
My favorite feature! Increasing the code's size. Decoy variables are meaningless variables that don’t affect functionality but add complexity, making it harder to identify key variables.
How It Works
Create a new random variable.
Assign it a random value.
Insert it into the code.
Example Code
Here’s how we add decoy variables to the code:
// Generate a decoy variable as a string, using a random hexadecimal value
// getObfuscatedName() creates an obfuscated variable name taken from 'Technique 2'
function addDecoyVariable(ast) {
const decoyVar = `
var ${getObfuscatedName()} = parseInt('0x${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString(16)}', 16);
// Parse the decoy variable string into an AST node
const decoyAst = esprima.parseScript(decoyVar);
// Insert the decoy variable AST node at the start of the main AST's body
Output Example
function greet() {
console.log("Hello, world!");
var _0xabc123 = parseInt('0x4d2', 16); // Decoy variable
function greet() {
console.log("Hello, world!");
Technique 4: Wrapping Code in an IIFE
An IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) wraps the code in a function that’s executed immediately, creating a "shell" around the code.
How It Works
Wrap the code in a self-calling function.
This isolates variables and functions from the global scope, hiding them and reducing the chance they’ll interfere with or be accessed by other parts of the program.
Why It Helps
Wrapping code in an IIFE provides a protective layer, reducing the exposure of internal variables and functions when debugging it. This keeps the code self-contained, making it harder to analyze inside logic from the main scope of the code. This is especially useful for obfuscation, as it creates an additional step for someone trying to understand or manipulate your code.
Example Code
Here’s how we wrap the code in an IIFE:
// Generate the code as a string, wrapping it in an IIFE structure
function wrapInIIFE(ast) {
const wrappedCode = `
(function() {
${escodegen.generate(ast)} // Convert the AST to code and insert it here
// Parse the wrapped code string back into an AST format
return esprima.parseScript(wrappedCode);
Output Example
function greet() {
console.log("Hello, world!");
(function() {
function greet() {
console.log("Hello, world!");
4. Putting It All Together
Here’s the complete code for the obfuscator with detailed comments. This combines all techniques to obfuscate any JavaScript input.
const esprima = require('esprima'); // Parse JavaScript into an AST
const estraverse = require('estraverse'); // Traverse and modify the AST
const escodegen = require('escodegen'); // Convert AST back to JavaScript
// Generates a random name for an obfuscated identifier
function getObfuscatedName() {
return '_0x' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 8);
// Helper function to encode strings in Base64
function base64Encode(str) {
return Buffer.from(str).toString('base64');
// Technique 1: Encode strings in Base64
function encodeStringsInArray(ast) {
const strings = [];
const stringIndices = {};
const decoderFuncName = getObfuscatedName();
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter(node) {
if (node.type === 'Literal' && typeof node.value === 'string') {
if (!(node.value in stringIndices)) {
stringIndices[node.value] = strings.length;
node.type = 'CallExpression';
node.callee = { type: 'Identifier', name: decoderFuncName };
node.arguments = [{ type: 'Literal', value: stringIndices[node.value] }];
const decodeFunc = `
function ${decoderFuncName}(_0xindex) {
const _0xstrings = ${JSON.stringify(strings)};
return atob(_0xstrings[_0xindex]);
const decodeFuncAst = esprima.parseScript(decodeFunc);
// Technique 2: Rename identifiers to obscure names
function renameIdentifiers(ast) {
const nameMap = {};
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter(node) {
if ((node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' || node.type === 'VariableDeclarator') && {
if (!nameMap[]) {
nameMap[] = getObfuscatedName();
} = nameMap[];
} else if (node.type === 'Identifier' && nameMap[]) { = nameMap[];
// Technique 3: Add meaningless decoy variables
function addDecoyVariable(ast) {
const decoyVar = `
var ${getObfuscatedName()} = parseInt('0x${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString(16)}', 16);
const decoyAst = esprima.parseScript(decoyVar);
// Technique 4: Wrap the code in an IIFE
function wrapInIIFE(ast) {
const wrappedCode = `
(function() {
return esprima.parseScript(wrappedCode);
// Main obfuscation function combining all techniques
function obfuscate(inputCode) {
const ast = esprima.parseScript(inputCode);
const wrappedAst = wrapInIIFE(ast);
return escodegen.generate(wrappedAst);
// Usage example
const code = `
function greetUser(role) {
const adminMessage = "Welcome, Admin!";
const guestMessage = "Greetings, Guest!";
if (role === "admin") {
} else {
// Test cases
const obfuscatedCode = obfuscate(code);
console.log('Obfuscated Code:\n', obfuscatedCode);
Final Output Example
function greetUser(role) {
const adminMessage = "Welcome, Admin!";
const guestMessage = "Greetings, Guest!";
if (role === "admin") {
} else {
// Test cases
And there you have it - the final JavaScript obfuscator code after combining all the techniques we’ve learned, making your JavaScript code much harder to read and reverse-engineer!